The poor lonely man sitting on the living room carpet stuffing his face with a bacon butty and drinking bucket sized mugs of tea watching the re-runs of Lovejoy on Sky's YESTERDAY channel isnt a deadbeat layabout, although a certain,high number of people might argue that point....Or a television critic. Actually it might come as a suprise to many people he is an exceptionally talented cartoonist and caricaturist and did quite well for quite a while. Alas these days aren't much fun for the cartooning brotherhood and lest we forget ,sisterhood. But i've forced myself back into that cluttered shithole laughingly called a studio and taken pencil, brush and even experimental ink pen in hand ,depending on how i feel to create new master works ,christ knows what'll become of them , who knows maybe i'll be discovered again....Hmmmm ,well ,stranger things have happened in a close in the wilds of Warrington, very strange things happen in the wilds of Warrington believe me. I have always stood at my drawing board, occassionally sat while inking , but after a day of that ,i'm physically shagged out and my eyeballs are about an inch and a half protruding from my skull ,which is bad enough ,but compounded by the fact i'm damn near cross eyed too. Oh the joys of cartooning . Scraping the imagination for what to draw then the grind of getting it down on the paper. And after all that ,at the moment theres nowhere to send it, just the blog and Facebook. But i know i keep saying it ,you'll be hearing a lot more rubbish from your beloved leader as i've decided to get me arse into gear....Honest!