( I found this drawing from years ago, i can't remember why it was drawn )
but it suddenly seemed right.
20 Years ago 96 people were killed at Hillsborough while waiting to watch Liverpool F.C. play a game of 'footy' against Nottingham Forest in the cup. They would never live to see the game.. In an example of ,stupidity, incompetence, madness, insanity that bordered on murder, these people were crushed to death and many more were badly injured. Newspapers claimed the Liverpool crowds caused the disaster; Bodies were robbed and defiled ,etc, etc..... Even today all these years later The Sun newspaper isn't stocked in newsagents around Liverpool and many 'Scousers' refuse to soil their hands with the newsprint. 2Days ago Anfield was filled with family, well wishers , players old and new ,dignitaries, etc to pay respects to those who died and suffered so needlessly all those years ago. Silences were observed and proper respect was given by so many people as the ground and the city ground to a silent halt . Not just Reds ,But Blues ,and not just football supporters, just people, Liverpool people..'Scousers' !
Liverpool has always been a rough ol' town. As many sea ports it has its own character and spirit. It has hard knuckles but also a soft heart. Liverpool is fiercly independant and will take no crap off anybody. It can be vicous and nasty, but it more often is warm and funny. Liverpool knows its faults and must take the blame for many of them, but nowhere near all of them. Liverpool hasn't been given much, compared to what has been taken from it. Liverpool owes nothing to nobody. Liverpools treasure lies in the spirit and honesty of its people. At Anfield all was well until a politician got up to 'give a speech'..... He didn't get far and was drowned right out. Liverpool wants justice for what happened all those years ago, not political bullshit.
Sometimes i get depressed when the place looks like its going to hell in a handcart, but days like the other day, tragic though it is, shows that Liverpool wont forget. And through the 96 the spirit of Liverpool will glow ever brighter.