Mon apologies all my followers n' fans out there in madbadninkyland for the certain lack of communications over the last week or couple or three, even , that all its been ,my you are an impatient lot! I sat at the computer ready for the torrent of creative jibberish to come flooding out....And waited.....And carried on waiting......But the expected torrent, the creative tsunami caused by the slipping and grinding of the brains stressed creative fault lines didn't happen. Does this mean that the disturbed brain that i rely on has settled down to a calm settled state. Thats wonderful if i'm a zen monk gazing at a cave wall for 30 years, but a bit of a bugger if your a blogging cartoonist.
Right so here we go , back to forcing jibberish and rubbish from the nooks and cranny's of my infertile imagination. I'l see about going to see a therapist. Not to cure myself of psychological disorders. But to see about 'getting' a few psychological disorders. This will cause the pressures and strains to build up on my brains creative fault lines and cause creative brain quakes; Tsunamis of the imagination, and the usual rubbish......
Spending a bit of time on the PCO forum is just about guaranteed to give you a personality disorder, Tim. I greatly recommend it. I don't think I'll have a tranquil moment ever again.
By the way, thanks for addressing me as 'Sexy Lady' especially as my hair BADLY needs washing at the moment.
'clean as a whistle Tim xxx'
Clean as a whistle! Clean as a whistle! My ****!!!!
And what are you doing with YOUR flute, I wonder? And you asking for a 'mild poke' online, an' all?
No need for extra maladies...you always were a little 'touched' I remember.
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