Just recently ,my daughters school asked if i'd give a lecture on cartooning. "Yeah sure!",i responded .Ever the helpful father ,and friend n' mentor to children everywhere. "Great",they responded, knowing a good thing when he responds positively to them. It was only when they inquired as to wether i'd applied for my 'police clearance form (or something like that.).That things got complicated. To volunteer to do anything for the school ,even picking up litter ,you need to be cleared by the police. You go to the 'Boys in KEVLAR',fill up some forms ;They fill up some forms ;The school fills up some forms ;Your last prison warden or probation officer fill up some forms. All to prove your not a psychotic killer .All us normal people have to prove we're not psychotic killers,as all the psychotic killers manage to get around all this neccessary 'RED TAPE'...The Blair/Brown babes have wrapped everything in swathes of lovely RED TAPE. The whole' system ',health ,legal ,transport ,buying fruit bon bons is just a matter of clutching a machete and hacking through these swathes of ,Le tape du rouge (as the french may've said.)
But all is well the goverment are going to save us from some of this red tape .The fact that they put most of it there in the first place ,well thats nothing to do with it .