Tuesday 18 August 2009


Sorry haven't had much to say to you all lately, but since our glorious n' beloved leaders have all decided to bugger off around the world on holidays, Gordo'. Mandelson and Harriet Harmdone. They left the key under the mat of Number 10 for me to take over the running of the country 'till their holiday expenses run out and they have to return to renew their expense claims for the coming year. So, as you can imagine i've had a busy couple of days trying to maintain the high standards of our British way of life, keeping you lot happy n' healthy and even some employed .While fighting wars against terrorism around the world . And this is before i've even got in and put the kettle on. Any requests on what to do to put the empire back on its knees would be gratefully recieved.


Cathy said...

The fact that you haven't had time to put the kettle on shows how skewed the priorities of Empire are in these troubled times.

Any fule kno that the Empire runs on tea. Simple!


P.S. I've ordered a new hamster, but it hasn't been born yet.

Hypervox said...

I suggest you instigate a new policy - napalm. Quick, clean, effective and safe. Apply liberally to any political type person, and the stain simply fades away.

** best barry scott impersonation **

New Cilit WHOOOSH! WHOOSH, and the dirt is gone...

Thud said...

may I say Sir that you are doing a great job...please continue.

tim leatherbarrow- said...

Actually i am writing this from opposite the hooses of parliament as i'm down with the family being dragged by my 'orrible offspring around some museums and tonight by the missus to see 'Grease' 'oh joy!...So the country needs to be run on tea, hamsters n' napalm, sounds reasonable...Come the next budget hamsters, tea n' napalm will be cheap as chips
your beloved leader

Anonymous said...

Hi people! this is the daughter of 'said cartoonist'.Have you seen the stuff he has put about me? WAAAAA! Were both being lassoed and dragged screaming by mum to 'Grease'. I have a plan though... and it involves 2 bunnys and a cactus!
See ya

Thud said...

I'm not sure about the cactus but Grease alone sounds bad enough...my commiserations.

Cathy said...

Hi Tim! Sorry to hear about your triffids, and that your electric lawnmower is useless against their onslaught.

What you need to do, once you've managed to take a break from running the empire, is to import a large quantity of greenfly. These are freely available from good garden centres and will cheerfully munch away at your triffids, who will eventually wish they'd never been born.